
Job 38-38, 40:2-12, 42:3; Numbers 11:29; Isaiah 30:21; Psalms 37:8, 85:8, 94:19, 119:11; John 14:27; Acts 2:17; Romans 5:2-5; Colossians 1:24; Revelation 3:7-8
In-suffer-able: Bigger Than This Dot

6 reasons we face suffering:

A. Suffering as punishment.

B.Suffering as corrective intention.

C. Suffering as a prelude to what God is going to do by way of reversing it.

D. Suffering as intercession or risking for the sake of another.

E. Sufferings as a model or example to other people.

F. Suffering for no good reason.


1. God esires to communicate with His people.

2. God has been attentive to you!


8 ways God can speak to us:

a. Audibly

b. Scripture

c. Desire

d. Dreams

e. Doors

f. People

g. Promoting

h. Pain